Legendary Kiko Goat HerdSire

Our bucks have not only proven themselfs but comes from a long line of performance tested genetics that have proven themselves over and over again on various tests! This buckling Hobo Apache Outlaw will be covering both New Zealand and Purebred yearlings that we bred. The resulting offspring next year from these pairings will have more proven performance tested lineage than one could hope for! Not just through the sires found on their pedigrees but also through several Goatex dams that have produced top ten placers. I cannot wait to see these kids and how they perform 😄😄😄 Thank you once again for your confidence in our breeding program .


We are reposting this guide to help you when choosing a Legendary Kiko Goat herdsire, because it’s that time of year when many goat owners are choosing which bucks to use for their breedings, and we see many bucks for sale or for rent. It’s very important not to use just any old buck; and to select bucks that will improve your herd and the kiko breed in general.

By choosing a kiko goat herdsire you will help improve your own herd, and you can increase parasite resistence along with your meat and milk production. This will help the meat and dairy conformation qualities of your kids, thereby increasing their value. This way you can increase your profits, either in kid sales or meat and milk product sales.

Most people looking to purchase kiko goats are looking for parasite resistence while maintaing either meat or milk production and/or show quality, so producing kids with better meat & dairy conformation and milk capacity only makes good sense. Most owners retain some of their kids, so it’s likely you’ll added benefits from making good choices now for years to come.

It’s also important to choose carefully and try to improve the breed in general.

Today’s, Legendary Kiko Goats have better desease resistance and meat & milk production providing additional longevity than the original animals admitted into the goat registries.

So, what are some of the methods for choosing a buck that will improve your herds?


The first step here is to determind what are the weak areas in each and every doe (or the herd) that your looking to improve. Is it parasite resistance or meat or milk production, udder appearance, levelness of the topline, legs – what is it that we most want to improve in each doe?

When looking for a buck find one that will improve on those characteristic flaws.

Legendary Kiko Goat Herdsire Stud Services Avaliable

Avaliable via AI or Natural Lockup Locally

Avaliable Kiko Bucklings